Monday, December 26, 2011

day 16

Well we had a very nice Snoggle tog. For those of you wondering what it is, it is a holiday invented by Dream works for the How To Train Your Dragon Christmas special, where their Christmas is Snoggle Tog. We adapted it and made it where your parents are in a foreign country and you have only your siblings to celebrate it. We got up around 9 something then headed out to the living room to open presents .We all went one at a time. We went in rounds where Lauryn opens one, Matt, me and so forth. The first gift I opened was I think Matt's to me.. It was film decor!!! I was really excited. The next round I opened Ashley to me and It was a frame that she had put buttons all over. It was really cute. Next round, I opened Lauryn's gift and It was more film decor!!! I was really excited. The next round I opened THE BIG BOX. Inside was a little table that Ash had made into a portable ironing board, with some pretty material. I like it a lot. Ash had also made me a washer necklace, and one for my other sisters as well ;) After everyone had opened gifts , we ran to iHop for Snoggle Tog breakfast because we discovered our food went bad and we wanted iHop anyway. Of course all us kids had funny faces.. DUH. They are awesome! We ran by Matt and Ash's apartment after that and fed the cast and us girls lounged while The Matt's played on of Big Matts new game. Well at least me and Ash did.. Lauryn played with Bill and Panther and ran around on her stick horse the whole time. after that we swung by Big Matts parents house and we visited there for a while. after that we went home, chilled, had Chinese for dinner and ran off to the theater to see War Horse. I liked it. Much better then all the other horse movies I have seen. Big Matt told me he thought it was lame or cheesy. I said: "I live with Lauryn, and If you have seen all the Horse movies I have, you would not think It was cheesy." LOL. After that we ran back by the apartment to feed Bill and Panther then home. Ashley and I watched half of her new movie The Help. It was REAAALLLLYYY good. I liked it a lot. It was late so we both went to bed . And THAT is what we did for Snoggle Tog.
Morgan . P.S pics in picture tab.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 15

This morning began like any other. Got up, ate, chores and prepared for our friends who came over . We played on the trampoline, hiked across the woods, played hide and seek in the dark and of course ate cupcakes.... Today's been an okay day. I am thankful for My family and friends who have helped us and been here.
Everyone , I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.
Or Snoggle Tog in our case..

Day 14

I am sorry I did not post yesterday... We were very busy at our Family's Christmas dinners and such. I don't remember it very well because we all were very tired... But we had fun and a good time.
And yes we did go to Brusters for I cream. Pics in picture tab.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 13

Today we got up and Skyped Mom and we chilled and got ready to go to the bowling alley. Once we got there we played two games and I don't think any of us was paying attention to the score board. So I can't tell you who won. I was so glad I got some certain angle pics of the Christmas tree at the alley. (pics in picture tab) When we were done and had gotten all our stuff and passed some snobby girl, we ran out into the rain to get in Matt's car. We went to Stevi B's for dinner and it was good, but I prefer Yonah Burger. We all realized that we each still had Christmas shopping to do, so Ash and I went somewhere and Big Matt took Little Matt and Lauryn somewhere. While Ash and I were walking out of (not telling) It was POURING down rain! So while walking out and passing a creeper, Ash said: "Ready! Run!" It was raining so hard I felt like I was in a movie, where everything seems so far away while running the rain... When we got in the car we were soaked through... After that we came home , wrapped presents, cleaned up then jumped on the couch to watch ANNE OF GREEN GABLES. We just watched the first half. I wanted to add something about the snobby girls at the Bowling Alley.. I wont go into detail but Sometime in the day, a verse I have been contemplating is: "Love puts up with anything" The more I think about it the more I realize that this is definitely an area in me that I need to pay heed to. So anyway I thought my Mom would enjoy reading that ;) Oh and we made milkshakes I forgot about that.... Please pray for my parents that they will get their court date soon..
Pics in picture tab

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 12

Today we slept a little late. When we got up I went straight to the computer to see my Facebook, Skype and and email. After about 2 hours we finally were all ready for our busy Christmas shopping day. We went all OVER GAINESVILLE!!!! We did not get home until 5 or 6. After that we came home and we all worked on a few things. Like wrapping presents and finishing presents LOL. We then turned on a movie Ash thought I would Like: Seven wives for Seven Brothers. It was really cute, set in the 1800's in Oregon. In the middle of it we were really wanting some sugar though so we made a quick trip to Kroger to raid the candy aisle. When we returned Big Matt was here and we finished our movie. However the audience had changed on the movie... For instance, Little Matt was on the computer while big Matt was watching it with us. He called from the other room: "Hey Matt come watch this documentary about stupid old movies" However we laughed at that. Oh and this morning I saw on Facebook my Mom had posted The Hobbit Trailer. We were excited to see it!! It looks great, however I think that the reason I like it , is because it looks more like just a regular movie, just a small story that gets wrapped up in the end. It looks great.
We have had fun today, however Mother Nature has been depressed today, which has come down on the world making it a rather glum muggy day. It does not feel like Christmas over here.... In fact I sorta forgot about Christmas. I can't wait till Mom and Dad get home... with Yuliya. I am ready for routine again and structure. Our lives have all been up in the air since April, and we are all looking forward to when our lives get back to normal. However we realize that it will not be the same once Yuliya arrives. Matt , Lauryn, Ashely and I's close circle at Home will have to be stretched to fit another person in. We know their will be challenges.. But we believe that this time of fundraising, and working has really prepared our hearts for whats ahead. We love Yuliya.. And we can't wait until she arrives home, and we call her Sister..
HOWEVER: I can't say that I am looking forward to Big Matt and Ash leaving either. We have really liked having them here and we will be really sad when they go back to there own home... 7 minutes away.... LOL. This time with them has definitely strengthened our relationship with them, and each other.

And yes we went to Yonah Burger for lunch!! And it was delicious!!
P.S pics in picture tab

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

day 11

Today has been so boring...
All we have done is get up, chores and I have been working on Christmas presents... Ash will be home later and I have no idea what we will do...
Sorry that this post is rather dull, but the day has been rather dull and gloomy.
P.S when Ashley got home, we made some little jars with Epsom salt modge podged to it. we dyed the Epsom salt to our choice of color. pics in picture tab

Boys future movie trailer


Yesterday was day 10 and I forgot to post. So I will now.

We got up around 8 something getting ready for our guest that would be soon be here. After cleaning and hanging out with Big Matt and Ash,our guest arrived and we went outside to shoot the boys movie. However we did not get much done, but we still had some fun. After the movie we went inside to watch Robin Hood bloopers and lunch. After that the boys "had" to have their Xbox time, so us girls went out on the trampoline and did lots of photography. We played some epic games of Hide and go seek for a good while. That was fun and one lame game of CTF. After our guests left we all ate a Hodge Podge dinner (eat whatever we want) And Big Matt and Ash got home from work and we made more pretzel rod candies. And the we sat down to watch the movie ANNIE. I am sure in a couple years if we watch that with Yuliya she would just laugh! ;) But nothing really new to report.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 9

Hmmmmmm I do not know what to write today since their was like nothing going on. This morning I had to apologize to my dogs for sleeping a little late. Okay well here's what happened: for some reason the heat was off all night and it was only 56' in the house! I woke up at 8 and said to myself at 8:30 I will take them out since it was sooooo cold. Next thing I knew it was 11 and I got up and took them out. I told them I was sorry and I am sure they forgave me because they were so happy to finally see me up!LOL. After the animals were fed I came into Moms room and talked with Ash for a few minutes and just turned the computer on, when Mom was skyping us. I saw my Facebook for a split second with 16 notifications all from MOM lol. :) After skyping Mom for a little while , Ash and I got to work and cleaned the house which was somewhat of a disaster. I quickly set to my room, which looked like a tornado had hit it. Twice. After the house was cleaned, Matt and Lauryn returned from Grandmas house. after that we chilled and then went to the store. we are going to make pretzel rod candies tonight. :) Right now Lauryn is watching Monte Carlo, Matt doing the laundry, Ash on her laptop and me writing this post. Big Matt will be here later and we will all make the candy, I will post pics later in the picture tab.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

day 8

Last night after Matt and Lauryn left for Grandmas house, Me and Ashley ran to blockbuster for a couple of chick flicks. We watched Monte Carlo and Sweet Home Alabama , which were both really good. after we finished those movies it was around 11:30, then we took a break and we just talked on the couch for a little while, and before I knew it, it was 2:15 AM. We then turned on spider man 2 and watched about maybe an hour of it. then we conked. I got up this morning at 9:13 and took the dogs out. I then jumped back on the couch and fell asleep till 11. After Ash and I were both up and ready, and after a few phone calls and hair doo's we got to skype Mom, who has our Indian Pen pal staying with them! I got to meet Jijo for the first time. He was really nice and I enjoyed talking to him. :) after that Ash and I did some Christmas shopping, then stopped at Panera for lunch, then all over town for a few hours of "Intense" Christmas shopping. I think I got almost all of it done. Right now we are pooped from it all, I think we are going to watch Monte Carlo again and then ht the sack. Goodnight. P.S pics on picture tab. OH P.P.S while ash and I were at the red light in front of Sweet Monkey, there was the monkey guy waving and dancing out front. While waiting for the light Me and Him/her waved like crazy to each other and I started blowing kisses and he started blowing them back it was SOOOOOOO funny!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 7

Well last night my grandmother stayed the night with us, We visited and chatted and ran errands. To be honest their wasn't anything interesting today. But onne highlight was I was on the computer chatting a bff, when, the phone rang, my papa was leaving and then my cell phone rang. It was a mad house over here. I was having a problem with concentrating on my chat with Papa getting out the door and finding my brother so he could have the phone and swapping phones with Lauryn so I could talk to Ashley who was on my cell. After it calmed down a LITTLE bit , I went back to my chat but still couldn't concentrate so I just called my friends on the phone and we talked a little bit. Grandma left a little while ago with Matt and Lauryn. They'll be back Sunday though. So me and Ashley are having girls night out for 2 nights, plus a whole day of shopping tomorrow ;). We skyped Mom a few times ,and she posted some new pics on Facebook, which I will put in the picture tab. Please pray for My parents and all of our safety. I am going to miss Matt and Lauryn this weekend. :'( . So keep us in your prayers. P.s some of the pics on the picture tab were not taken today.. My favorites are the face shots of Yuliya. oh ad p.p.s the pics of the kitten my mom says that it was running in the hall and Yuliya caught it for mom. Mom said the kitten stunk really bad, and yes we have already asked to keep it but nooooooooooooooooo . LOL love you Mom. :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

day 6

This morning we woke up late due to going to bed at 1 last night. I got up and took care of the dogs, then sat down to eat a bowl of magical Lucky Charms with Big Matt. (Oh and I had cookies and ginger ale for breakfast too) After that the Matt's went to the dump then to Matts house to play Modern Warfare, (BORINGG). After us girls were all ready we headed out the door to Corinth Baptist Church to practice driving and Parking. All of us kids drove in the huge parking lot, but while I was learning parallel parking with Big Matt a HUGE helicopter landed about a hundred feet in front of us IN THE PARKING LOT. Their had been a wreck around the corner from us and it was really bad. After the helicopter left and the traffic that had been unstopped a little, we headed across the road to Sun Garden for delicious Chinese food. After lunch we headed next door to a consignment store and looked around a little bit. Ash found a really pretty dress, and good thing I was there because she wouldn't have got it if I had not talked her into it. LOL :) We then went home and chilled a little bit , and waited for Grandma to come. After some small partying I am here now writing this post. We are all really tired, so we will probably go to bed earlier. Will post pics soon, so check the picture blog. :)

day 5

Day five started with us getting up, chores, school, skyping Mom and Dad, reading and then dinner and TV. Big Matt got home before Ash so we played around a lot... Like turning off all the lights and scaring the crap out of each other. LOL. When Ash got home we all packed up into the car, heading to Kroger. (10:00pm) After getting the essentials we got a few goodies like ice cream and cookies and such to party. We rented Kung Fu panda 2, and stayed up till 1 am watching it with our goodies. Then we conked for the night all sleeping super hard. OH and during the afternoon Lauryn and I baked some cookies while rocking out to Adele. It was fun.
Oh and to those who have been wondering Mom and Dad have seen Yuliya already. I will post a pic...

During this journey without Mom and Dad we have been learning how to obey our conscience to a deeper degree. And while we see the pictures of Ukraine we know how blessed we are that we have a loving family, food, a home and an amazing free country.

p.s more pics in the picture tab.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

day 4

Sorry I did not post yesterday ... But I will now.
Yesterday morning we got up, cleaned, ran errands with Ash and went to the grocery store to get a few things. While Matt and I were shopping for cereal I picked up Lucky Charms. Now in the McAndrew home all sugar cereal has been band since we were little. We ended up getting it for a few reasons
1- Mom and Dad are gone
2- It was cheaper then that healthy cereal we always get
and 3- I wanted 2. LOL

So anyhoo I worked more on my quilt yesterday. I am almost done with all the blocks. We read for a few minutes then we skyped Mom and Dad, did some school and then watched some TV , while waiting for Matt and Ash to get home so we could "party"
We ate M&Ms, Cookies, water and critiqued- I mean watched Rudolph. Okay I am sorry but all the reindeer's are mean in that movie! And the abominable snowman is ummm........... creepy? I don't know. So after partying hard we all just chilled, got on the computer, and went to bed. Nothing very eventful yesterday. But maybe today. I will write more of day 5 tonight.

Monday, December 12, 2011

day 3

Today is pretty uneventful. We got up around 9:30'ish skyped Mom and Dad, cleaned, got on the computer and chilled. Lauryn started feeling sick again. Ashley and Little Matt ran off to Lancaster music store and I stayed home with Lauryn. Once again Lauryn climbed into bed and watched TV with a trash bag. When they got back Ash and I climbed into bed and watched the movie with Lauryn. After a while Ash had to go to work so us kids cleaned up some more, and skyped Mom and Dad. I chatted a friend for a little while too. I started out my quilt squares and started cutting and sewing Yuliyas Hope Quilt. I got 3 rows done and probably sew more later. Matt Matt is playing piano out of his new book and Lauryn is watching Black Beauty . Its been pretty uneventful and I have nor taken any pictures.. yet. When Ash gets home me and her are running to blockbuster to get a movie then come home eat cookies and watch it. I do not know what we are doing tomorrow, probably school and I will be working on the quilt some more. Who knows...... I might post more on this post later. but if not.. good night.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

First Fight. short film.

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Day 2

Day one ended where we were ALL exhausted. We went to bed around 9:30 and were out an hour or 2 after that. Lauryn watched the entire flight tracker of Mom and Dads journey from Atlanta to Washington. Yeah she really sat and watched it for an hour.. I was missing Mom near bed time and wanted to text her a few times , even though I knew very well she would not receive them. but I didn't and I soon fell asleep. We miss them a lot over here. I don't know what we are doing over here today.. Probably just chillax. .... I might sew or make a movie, LOL. Ashley and Lauryn are still somewhat nausea's, but Matt and I have been unaffected by the plague. Please keep my parents in your prayers.

A while later Ashley and Big Matt took us to the lake down the road. We shot a silly movie that I will post later. right now I am eating some cold old mac'n cheese but other then watching our masterpiece with Ash and Matt, watching some Robin Hood bloopers , their aint nothing new to report.

Right now we just finished dinner with Big Matt. We had lasagna and bread sticks. After that one of our friends called wanting to speak to Matt. after a little while Matt said he had to go for dinner but would call him back later. Later came and we were playing around with the phone and lets just say I ended up calling friend back. I waited for a minute and heard "Matt?" I was cracking up so hard behind my hand over my mouth. Finally I just let out a laugh scream into the phone receiver. I then shoved the phone into Matts ear and DIED laughing. I don't know what our friend was thinking on the other line but i will soon find out. LOL. Right now Big Matt and Lauryn are playing Texas hold em or shootout or something. Idk. After their quick game were going to watch how To Train your Dragon (again). After that Ash will be home from work and we will watch the finished product of our movie we made on the lake today. First Fight. and hmmmmm I have no idea what we are doing tomorrow , I know I will have to work on the Hope Quilt for Yuliya . But other then that..... idk.
will post more tomorrow .

Saturday, December 10, 2011


The moment finally came.. Mom came over to me and hugged me, already crying and shaking. Which did not help me very much. I couldn't even say I love you I was so choked up, but I managed to in the end. Next was Dads turn who did not cry but I knew he was in the inside and was trying not to. I held on for dear life when the final hug from both of them came. As they started out their way to the car, I took pictures of it ,(which you can view on the picture tab above). I cried when the car got all the way out of sight and then I went inside not sure what to do. It was only me and Lauryn, who was sick. Rusty was giving me this look of "please take me out!" So not finding a leash I went and grabbed the red ribbon Lauryn was playing with. after returning with Rusty I put Lauryn on the couch to watch TV while I posted pics on facebook. Later I went to fix my breakfeast and Rusty was giving me that look again. So AGAIN in the freezing cold I took Rusty out. But this time he just stared at the road and the driveway. Just staring. I realize now he knew they were gone. He was looking for them....

After Ashley and Matt got back from dropping Mom and Dad off at the Marta, we talked and chilled. Lauryn and Ashley are or were playing around with a bead kit Mom got us to work on. After 2 sets of earrings and a necklace Lauryn said : "Well this has been fun!" Ashley just laughed. I don;t know what we will do today, but I am sure we will find something. I promised Mommy I would take lots of pictures and put them in my Fairfarren album on Facebook. I will be posting more soon, probably another post tonight, so keep watch. And before anyone comments about my bad grammar, just deal with it. HAHAHAHAAHHA