Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 11 completed.

Tuesday morning I awoke to the pretty sunshine streaming through my window. I was really glad because we were shooting the last day of Robin Hood today! I looked at my window to see the water droplets shining and literally sparkling because the sun was shining hard on them. After taking a few pics, my phone rang, it was my friend - We had to iron out a few details about meeting and such, so after that I got out of bed. I got on the computer first, to check email, Facebook, blogs and pinterest. After that, I cleaned and made sure I had everything ready for the long day ahead. After that, getting ready, packing up, we made it out the door, to Publix first thing. While walking in, I realized: "Oh poo, it's school day" And I was right, we got stares and questionable looks from people. When we got to the register, the lady (She was really sweet) asked us why we weren't in school. I blurted out- "Homeschooled" I hate it when people ask us that. Sigh. I know my ABC'S ! I CAN READ!" After that, we were at Granny's early so we chatted for a little while until Miss Hollie came to pick us up. When we got to our destination we ate lunch and quickly hit the woods to FINISH Robin Hood. We worked. HARD. It was by far the best shooting day ever! I have learned a lot during this process of Robin Hood, and I am grateful to my Mom and Miss Hollie for letting us make it in the middle of their lives. :) It's been a great experience. I think I was more relaxed this time, because I KNEW we were going to finish. Which allowed me to laugh a lot today. I always laugh on set, but it was different that time. One particular scene, -that is one of my fav- Was where I was hit and thrown to the ground. It was fun but man.... I had a semi headache afterwards because I got hit, thrown, sat on, you name it. It was intense. But I laughed a lot during that scene and man I was dirty! I had mud and dried dirt all over my arms and costume. When we were DONE, I had everyone sign my book and their quote. The results were funny, and I framed a copy of it on my wall. :) When we got back to Granny's to leave, I dropped my cell phone in the parking lot. I could care less, but when I got home, I discovered my screen now has a HUGE crack across it. Oh well. Matt and I visited with Big Matt for a few minutes, and when he left , Matt and I watched the results of our HARD days work. After that I quickly posted all the pictures I could and blogged like crazy... And maybe... Pinned like crazy too. LOL When Ash got home, we started working on our welcome home signs for Mom and Dad, telling Ash all about our day. When Matt got home, he brought cookies, so we baked those and of course Ash wanted to watch Courageous again, so we did that. Big Matt came in during the beginning and said: "I'll watch 2 cookies worth" He watched the whole thing. That's a really good movie... After that, we were all pooped so we went to bed.

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