Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 2 completed

Yesterday.. Are you kidding me? At this point I don't even remember my last name. Hmm. But I shall try to recall yesterdays events.
Got up, ate, computer. Ashley and I were on for a little while. Ash had gone pinterest crazy yesterday. What she went crazy about? Green living!
We went to the grocery store to pick up some cheese for our dinner, but Ashley ended making a quick detour through the healthy foods aisle. So of course she had to have some of the healthy milk and such. When we got to the check out, Ash picked up our grocery's and says: "We no use plastic bags" LOL. I replied: "I know what my blog post is going to be now" We then came home and had lunch. Tomato sandwiches, saltines, pico de galo and some of our new healthy milk. After that we just chilled. I chatted some besties for a little while, then we ate dinner. Ashley ran off to her apartment for a little while to clean. During that time, I knew Matt and I needed a break from the computers, so we went outside and shot the bow and arrow at a foam mat thing I have. However before Matt and I went outside , He put on some cookies. When we were coming back in, Rusty was barking and I smelt smoke from the walkway. I ran in to find our cookies burnt to a crisp, and smoking. I made Matt rinse them off before he threw them in the trash. After that, and Ash and Big Matt came home, they brought us some Mcdonalds sundaes, so we ate that. After Ash showed Big Matt all her new pins on pinterest, we couldn't decide upon a movie. Ash and I ended up watching the first half of Gone with the Wind. After the first part we went to bed. And that is how day 2 was completed.....

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